A student who has received college level training in secondary school and who has
a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the appropriate Advanced Placement examination, upon request
will be granted credit for comparable courses at Collin College. Collin College will award up to 75% of your degree (approximately 45 hours) of course-specific
college credit in subject appropriate areas on all AP exams with scores of 3 or above.
A student must have successfully completed 3 semester credit hours (developmental
education not included) at Collin College within the past 5 years to have AP credit
applied to their record.
AP credit previously applied at another institution of higher education does not automatically
transfer to Collin College. For the credit to be applied at Collin College, the credits
must have applied to another public Texas college transcript, and the student must
request a transfer credit evaluation. If the student attended a private or out-of-state
college, the student must have their AP score report sent to Collin College from the
College Board and request the credit be applied to their Collin College record. Credit earned by examination may not be earned in any course for which the student
has previously received a grade, either at this institution or elsewhere. (Grades
of 'F' and 'W' are included.)
An official score report must be sent to Collin from the College Board. The College Code for AP is 1951. Please note: Score reports can take 3 or more weeks to arrive in the Testing Office. The student must contact the Testing Office after those 3 weeks have passed at CreditByExam@rdsy.net to request AP credit be applied to the student's record. This is not an automatic
process upon receipt of the College Board official AP Score Report. Be sure to include
your full name and CWID number in your email. If you need to have an archived score
mailed, please use the following address: Director of Testing, 501 S. Collin Parkway, Farmersville, TX 75442.
AP Exams Accepted for Credit at Collin College
AP Examination | Collin Equivalent |
Art General (2-D or 3-D Art & Design) | ARTS1311 |
Art Drawing | ARTS1316 |
Art History | ARTS1303 |
Biology | BIOL1406 and 1407 |
Calculus (AB) | MATH2413 |
Calculus (BC) | AP Score of 3: MATH2413 AP Score of 4 or 5: MATH2413 and 2414 |
Chemistry | CHEM1411 and 1412 |
Chinese Language and Culture |
CHIN1411 and 1412 |
Computer Science (A) | COSC1436 |
Computer Science Principles |
COSC1315 |
Economics (Macro) | ECON2301 |
Economics (Micro) | ECON2302 |
English Lang. & Comp | AP Score of 3: ENGL1301 AP Score of 4 or 5: ENGL1301 and 1302 |
English Lit. & Comp | AP Score of 3: ENGL1301 AP Score of 4 or 5: ENGL1301 and 1302 |
Environmental Science I | ENVR1401 |
European History | HIST2311 and 2312 |
French Language and Culture |
FREN1411 and 1412 |
German Language and Culture |
GERM1411 and 1412 |
Government & Politics US | GOVT2305 |
Human Geography | GEOG1302 |
Music Theory | MUSI1311 |
Pre-Calculus | MATH2412 |
Physics 1 | PHYS1401 |
Physics 2 | PHYS1402 |
Physics C - Mechanics | PHYS2425 |
Physics C - Electricity & Magnetism | PHYS2426 |
Physics B (historical) | PHYS1401 and 1402 |
Psychology | PSYC2301 |
Spanish Language and Culture |
SPAN1411 and 1412 |
Statistics | MATH1342 |
US History | HIST1301 and 1302 |
World History: Modern | HIST2311 and 2312 |
For further information regarding the AP (Advanced Placement) program, please refer
to College Board.
For further information regarding AP (Advanced Placement) credit, please contact the
Testing Office by email at creditbyexam@rdsy.net.